Lizzy is a former middle school teacher who is now disabled. She grew up in northeastern Ohio and graduated from Piedmont Bible College in Winston-Salem, NC, with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and the Bible.  She is formerly of King, NC, where she taught various grade levels over 28 years before becoming disabled. The last few years she taught 8th grade math. She is now living her best life in Fort Myers, FL, with her husband, Todd, and is the mother of one married child and 2 Maltese dogs, Boo-Boo and Jack.


Along with reading and writing, she loves sharing what Jesus has and is doing in her life. She has taught ladies Sunday School classes and Bible studies for many years and has spoken at many ladies meetings on various topics such as: her testimony, her family's experience with addiction, living a joy-filled life, infertility and many others. She is a member of the praise team at her local church and has sung many solos for churches and ladies' meetings.  


She also loves joining in book club events and can join live or via computer.   If interested in having her speak at your event or attending your book club contact her at: